Did you know that it takes an average of 9 interactions until an individual is ready to take action? (LinkedIn 2017).


What is “Marketing Automation”?

Marketing automation, in it’s simplest form, provides a method for hearing clinic owners and marketers to automate certain tasks and nurture potential patients with highly personalized and useful content.  This type of marketing typically helps to capture the best return out of your marketing spend, by helping you reduce the strain on your limited resources and capture leads from those potential patients that are not immediately ready to book an appointment at the moment they see your advertisements.


How to use Marketing Automation for Hearing Clinic Marketing

Imagine for a moment that within all of your marketing initiatives this year, instead of only asking your target audience to “book an appointment”, you also offered them a “FREE Guide to Hearing Health” eBook in trade for their email and name.  For those that are ready to book an appointment, you’ll capture them as always, for those that are not ready, you’ve now created a way to capture their contact information and educate them through something they value.


The email delivering the eBook is automatically followed by a series of branded emails containing additional educational value related to the topic of the book they downloaded.  These emails are strategically designed and arranged in a marketing automation timeline, starting from the day they request the eBook.  This proven marketing strategy allows you to nurture leads softly, moving them forward at their own speed, to the point in their patient journey that they are ready to book an appointment with your clinic; seeing you as the true hearing health care provider in their community.


What are the Benefits?

• Capture more leads with every dollar spent in marketing

• Provide educational value to those still researching

• Naturally receive a steady increase in appointment requests

What Phonak Canada Can do to Help

Creating the content and automation timelines are the fun part, if you know where to start and have the team to do it.  Trouble is, unfortunately most clinics don’t have the time to create all that content.  As a Club Alps member, you have a turn-key program with complete eBook and full year of email content ready to be branded for your clinic whenever you say “Go”!  Phonak’s Automated Lead Nurturing program is designed to help you optimize your marketing budget and lead capture efforts, ready to embrace those individuals in your market that are not ready to book an appointment by providing educational value to them in the form of eBooks and Guides.



Use the form on this page to ask your Regional Sales Manager how Phonak Canada’s Clinic Marketing Team can integrate this powerful type of marketing into your existing strategy.